Getting Involved

Like all grassroots sports, our club can only operate and grow with the help of volunteers

WJFC has a great group of families and an enthusiastic committee building a club where community spirit, respect and fair play is central.

A community club of choice

We welcome new families and volunteers, so spread the word and contact us. There are many different ways to get involved so please don't be shy. You don't need to know anything about football to be a big help!

We have a friendly committee so please forward your details to us and we can advise you of the next committee meeting and you can see what happens behind the scenes.

There are many opportunities to get involved in volunteering. As a volunteer you can choose how much time you are able to give and what sort of things you would like to do. Volunteers comprise a huge body of people who make an important social and economic contribution to communities worldwide. Volunteering takes lots of different forms - formal or informal, indoors or outdoors, practical or administrative.

Every little bit helps and it is a fun way of meeting new people.