Club Funding of Football Competitions and Visits Policy

Version: 1.0

Committee Approval:


This document specifies the extent of Club funding in support of football trials, competitions, training, and travel by member teams and individual players.


The Club aims to minimise registration fees by committing its funds to Club-specific activities and investments in equipment and facilities. As such, the Club will only provide funding for attendance at camps, training or development sessions, representation at Schools Sports WA or Public Schools Association carnivals, attendance at Inter-State carnivals or trials, or the like where the team or player is representing the Club and one of the following circumstances applies:

  1. The Club will contribute up to $500 per team per year towards expenses associated with an intra- or inter-state trip by Year 7 teams.
  2. The Club will contribute up to $500 on a ‘one-off’ basis towards expenses associated with representation on a Western Australia State team travelling interstate where financial hardship can be proven to the satisfaction of the Committee.
  3. The Club will contribute up to $500 per team per year towards expenses associated with a team representing the Club in a carnival.
  1. The club will contribute up to $500 per player per team in return for the Year 7 parents for running the canteen.

To ‘represent the Club’ means

  1. Proceeding with the approval of the Committee, and
  2. Listing the Club on any nomination form, program, and advertising material as the sole affiliated club.

Note that, where a team or player is representing a school, funding will not be made available.


Application for approval of funding can be made by e-mail to the President and/or Vice President of the Club. The application should specify the details of the event, evidence that the application is in accordance with this Policy, and details of the purpose(s) to which the funds will be committed. The President and/or Vice President shall put the application to the Committee for approval and, subject to approval, will liaise with the Treasurer to arrange payment.