2015 Association Act – Additional clauses to update WJFC Club Constitution

2015 Association Act – Additional clauses to update WJFC Club Constitution

  1. Financial year date: The day in each year on which the financial year of the incorporated association commences -
  1. Dispute resolution:

 2.1 Application of disputes procedure

The disputes procedure set out in this clause applies to disputes under this Constitution between:

(a)           a Member and another Member or Members;

(b)           a Member or Members and the Club.

2.2 Disputes procedure        

2.2.1       The parties to the dispute must meet and discuss the matter in dispute, and, if possible, resolve the dispute within 14 days after the dispute comes to the attention of all of the parties. In the case of a dispute involving the Club, the President or another Committee Member nominated by the President will represent the Association.

2.2.2       If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute within the 14 day period specified in clause 2.2.1, either party may initiate the dispute resolution procedure by giving a written notice to the Secretary identifying the parties to the dispute and the subject of the dispute.

2.2.3       Within 28 days of receipt of a notice under clause 2.2.2, a Committee meeting must be convened to determine the dispute.

2.2.4       The Secretary must give the parties to the dispute at least 7 days' prior written notice of the date, time and place of the Committee meeting. The notice must inform the parties that they (or their Representative) may attend the Committee meeting and will be given a full and fair opportunity to make oral and written submissions to the Committee.

2.2.5       At the Committee meeting, the Committee must:           give each party to the dispute, or the party's Representative, a fair opportunity to make oral submissions and must give reasonable consideration to any written submissions; and           determine the dispute.

2.2.6       Written notice of the Committee's decision regarding the dispute must be given to all parties to the dispute within 7 days after the Committee meeting.

2.3  If dispute resolution results in decision to suspend or expel being revoked

If a disputes procedure under this clause 2 takes place concerning the revocation of a Member's membership and the result of the disputes procedure is that the Member's membership is reinstated, that revocation decision does not affect the validity of any decision made at a Committee meeting or General Meeting during the period in which the Member's membership was purported to be revoked.