A message for 1st year Juniors (Auskick last year 2018).

This message is meant for last years (2018) Year 2 'Auskick group', who will be moving onto 'Junior Football' for (2019) as Year 3.
Each week the Year 3 kids will be playing different teams, at different venues i.e. home & away games. More information to follow once you register your child.
You can register your child into 'Junior Football' by following link to register for the 2019 season:
Click here to register for Junior Football
First game of the season for 'Junior Football' (this is different to Auskick which starts Sunday 5th May 2019,) will be the 28th April for the boys, and the 3rd May for girls.
We require all registrations to be with us by Friday 8th March. Why so early? Teams need to be submitted to the league and then they have the unenviable task of putting together fixtures, booking grounds etc.
Any problems registering for Junior Footy please contact our Wembley Junior Football Club Registrar Jayne Malone 0421 234 339.